Visit of Minister of Energy, Trade, and Industry (21/09/2021)
Visit of Minister of Energy, Trade, and Industry (21/09/2021)

We had the pleasure of a visit by Ms Natasa Pileidou, Minister of Energy, Trade, and Industry at our green-waste composting facility at the Industrial Area of Geri, Nicosia on 21/09/21. The visit was in the context of the government’s Action Plan for the promotion of the circular economy. We briefed the Minister on our operation since 2011, the process of composting of green waste which we receive from municipalities, gardeners and Green Points, but also how we put value in them by producing compost and from that, a range of potting soils ready for use, mainly in gardening and horticulture. Compost production and application should be promoted in Cyprus as its its top soil is particularly poor in organic matter and further deteriorating over time.


Visit of Minister of Energy, Trade, and Industry

